What are you waiting for?

Posted on September 1, 2012


I’m a sucker for an inspiring quote. I always have been and always will be. Something so simple and straight forward can motivate me to do some pretty crazy things. I saw this on a sign the other day and it has really stuck with me.

To others this may mean something completely different. But to me it means WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You have exactly one chance in this world to make an impact. One shot to make a dent before its too late. So what are you waiting for? Do you have dreams? Goals? Aspirations? What have you done today to reach get closer to them? 

There is nothing that I love to see more than someone doing crazy stuff to achieve crazy dreams. To someone else, this individual’s goal may seem trivial or not worth it. But it doesn’t matter. Because its your life and you are the only person you are truly accountable too. Its a crazy thought really because all children grow up trying to please a parent, sibling, etc. Its that person in the mirror that really matters at the end of the day.

I recently have been trying to reach some goals and make my small dent in the world. Before too long I’ll write a post about that but not quite yet. Its not time. But man o man am i excited. To others, its probably boring or crazy.  To me, its amazing, fun, and something that I love doing.

So today is the day. Every day you spend doing something that you find meaningless is a day that you can never get back to accomplish the crazy awesome things you were put on this world to complete.

What are you waiting for? 

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